Welcome to Shore Wellness and Med Spa!

Our Services:

Medical Cannabis Certification

Medical Cannabis Certification

Get your certification at Shore Wellness and Med Spa by a board certified physician.  We are not one of these fly by night clinics with call centers.  We are local.  Shore Wellness will guide and follow you throughout your treatment.  Most clinics just write the certifications.  We will not only write the certification, but will also discuss your condition with your referring doctor and pharmacist to ensure that you get the best care.  We will manage your care as a consultant.

The 1st step to obtaining your certificate is to register with the State of Maryland Commission.  Go to www.onestop.md.gov to obtain you patient identification number. Please call us at (410) 973-1030 if you have a problem registering and need help. Our goal is to make the process as easy as possible and are available to assist in any way that we can.

2nd step is after obtaining your patient identification number through the state, call us to schedule your appointment for your certificate to determine if you qualify.

You must have one of these qualifying medical conditions: chronic pain, severe pain, post-traumatic stress disorder, cachexia, anorexia, seizure disorder, glaucoma, wasting syndrome, severe nausea, and persistent muscle spasm.

Winner - Best Physician in Worcester County - 2018

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